1 >> Scratch- CS fundamentals
CS fundamentals is an entry level module for children in the computer science course that introduces foundational computer science concepts to students in a fun and simple way and further shifts student’s mindsets from digital consumers to creators. By the end of this course segment, students will be able to articulate and apply computer science concepts to design and solve problems in scratch.
a) Beginner’s
b) Intermediate
c) Advanced
2 >> Scratch Core
In the second year of the computer science course, students delve into real-world problem-solving using Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. By harnessing AI and Robotics, they amplify their creativity and innovation skills. By the end of the year, students emerge with the ability to craft 2D games, leverage AI for problem-solving, and construct robots, equipping them with versatile skills for the digital age.
a) 2D Game Development
b) Artificial Intelligence
c) Robotics
3 >> Mobile Application Development – App Inventor
Mobile usage is on the rise today, billions of apps have been developed. In this course segment, students are able to learn computational thinking concepts through development of mobile applications. By the end of course segment, students will be able to create their own mobile apps.
a) Beginner’s
b) Intermediate
c) Advanced
4>> Python Fundamentals
The demand for python is growing every day. It offers a perfect start for kids in the text-based programming while allowing kids move from ideas to on-screen tangible results. The course segment is designed to re-echo computer science foundational concepts and offer an in-depth touch on real world problem solving. By the end of the course, students will be able to understand python coding and creatively solve real world problems.
a) Beginner’s
b) Intermediate
c) Advanced
5>> Python – Artificial Intelligence
Students will begin using Python for AI and data science. They will explore more advanced programing elements of Python such as dictionaries and files and learn how to employ Python’s powerful modules to build games, stories and real-world data projects.
a) Machine Learning
b) Artificial Intelligence
c) Intro to Data Science
6 >> Web Design
Students learn the core building blocks of web pages, including HTML, CSS and Bootstrap, as well as how the Internet works. Students will build their very first fan website featuring some of their favorite things. By the end of this class, students will also have interacted with the latest tools that help make building web pages even faster.
a) HTML – Hypertext Markup Language
b) CSS – Cascading Style Sheets
c) Bootstrap.
7 >> JavaScript & Micro Bit
Students unleash the power of code with micro: bit to develop games and apps, develop logical thinking skills.
a) Beginner’s
b) Intermediate
c) Advanced